You may be aware that several pieces of legislation in Florida and other states have been up for votes this year that could potentially eliminate many greyhound tracks around the country. It looks like most of them have failed for now but I am certain they will come up again in the future. If you earn your income from playing the greyhounds then this legislation is very important for you. Even the casual player should have a plan as well and learn how to adapt in these changing times.
How should you change your play?
If you are a person that only plays one track you should seriously begin looking at other tracks to play. Many basics of handicapping apply to all tracks but each track has unique qualities you will learn. The only way to learn this unique aspects of other tracks is by playing them (even if on paper), keeping records and learning what works and doesn't.
If you play multiple tracks your strategy should be a little different, especially if you are a 'spot player' or cherry picker. If even one track you normally play were to close then you could miss out on several plays a week you have become accustomed to playing. The way to adjust is by looking for at least one more play per track each day. These won't be cherry picked plays, they will need to be value plays. Look for patterns or opportunities to play a potential long shot you wouldn't normally play.
No matter your current method of play you need to always be prepared for the future!
I have 3 slots open at my greyhound university where I teach players to play like a pro. My most recent video training series has just been published for members to view and learn from. In this series "7 days with Pup" My members get to see me play days in a row. They learn how I approach the races everyday, decide what races to play, structure my wagers and cash big. One of the races I hit was for over $1,800 with multiple trifecta and superfecta tickets on one race.
You can play like a pro too. You just need to learn from a pro.